mutual self-introductions (التَّعَارُفُ)
الثقافة والدعوة التربية والسلوك
التعريف :
Exchange of personal information between two parties so that each will get to know the other and be able to identify the other.
المعنى الاصطلاحي :
Knowing each others' lineage, and mutual communication with the purpose of bringing love, compassion and harmony and warding off discord, repulsion and racism.
الشرح المختصر :
"Ta`aaruf" (Acquaintanceship) is an Islamic objective and a divine purpose. It is one of the fundamentals upon which Islam is built and for which Islam calls. The meaning of "ta`aaruf" comprises the following: 1. Ascribing each person to his (biological) family, not to anyone else. 2. Cooperation, communication, brotherhood, and harmony to achieve good and fend off evil. 3. Shunning disunity and deserting one another for worldly reasons. "Ta`aaruf" is of two types: 1. General "Ta`aaruf": communicating with non-Muslims through calling them to Allah, teaching them, and treating them kindly. 2. Specific "Ta`aaruf": becoming acquainted for the sake of Allah through mutual love, brotherhood, and support. It is purely for Allah's sake, and it generates prosperity, nurtures happiness, and comforts the heart. "Ta`aaruf" of this nature forges a strong bond between people even if there are no blood or marriage relations between them.
التعريف اللغوي المختصر :
"Ta`aaruf": acquaintance; people becoming acquainted with one another. Derived from "ma`rifah", which means tranquility and reassurance. Other meanings: seeking knowledge.