حق الإمام على الرعية
Abu Ruqayyah Tamīm ibn Aws Ad-Dāri (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Religion is sincere advice." We said: "To whom?" He said: "To Allah, His Book, His Messenger, the Muslim leaders, and the general body of Muslims."  
عن أبي رقية تميم بن أوس الداري -رضي الله عنه- أن النبي -صلى الله عليه وسلم- قال: «الدين النصيحة» قلنا: لمن؟ قال: «لله، ولكتابه، ولرسوله، ولأئمة المسلمين وعامتهم».

شرح الحديث :

Islam, the true religion, urges its followers to offer sincere advice, to believe in and acknowledge the oneness of Allah, Exalted and Glorified, deeming Him free of any imperfection and describing Him with perfect attributes; to believe that the Qur'an is His Speech, revealed and not created, to act upon its clear verses and believe in its ambiguous verses; to believe what the Messenger (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) brought, obeying his commands and avoiding his prohibitions; to offer the Muslim leaders sincere advice by aiding them upon truth, guiding them regarding what they are ignorant of, and reminding them of what they forget or are heedless of; to guide the common Muslims to the truth, to refrain from harming them and protect them from others' harm as much as we can, and to enjoin them to do good and forbid them from evil. In brief, advice for them is to wish for them what each of us wishes for himself.  

ترجمة نص هذا الحديث متوفرة باللغات التالية