صفات الجنة والنار
Anas ibn Mālik (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "The wealthiest of people in this world, from among the dwellers of Fire, will be brought on the Day of Judgment and dipped once in the Fire then he will be asked: O son of Adam, Have you ever witnessed any goodness? Have you ever experienced any bliss? He will say: O Lord, by Allah I have not. Then, the most miserable of people in this world, from among the dwellers of Paradise, will be dipped once in Paradise then he will be asked: O son of Adam, have you ever witnessed any misery? Have you ever experienced any hardship? He will say: No by Allah, I have never witnessed any misery nor have I experienced any hardship.”
عن أنس بن مالك -رضي الله عنه- مرفوعاً: «يُؤتى بأنعم أهل الدنيا من أهل النار يوم القيامة، فَيُصْبَغُ في النار صَبْغَةً، ثم يقال: يا ابن آدم، هل رأيت خيرًا قطُّ؟ هل مَرَّ بك نَعِيمٌ قطُّ؟ فيقول: لا والله يا رب، وَيُؤْتَى بأشدِّ الناس بُؤسًا في الدنيا من أهل الجَنَّة، فَيُصْبَغُ صَبْغَةً في الجنَّة، فيقال له: يا ابن آدم، هل رأيت بُؤسًا قط؟ هل مَرَّ بك شِدَّةٌ قط؟ فيقول: لا والله، ما مَرَّ بي بُؤْسٌ قطٌّ، ولا رأيت شِدةً قَطُّ».
شرح الحديث :
On the Day of Judgment, the one who led the most luxurious life in this world, from among the dwellers of Fire, will be brought and immersed in Hell. Its heat, blaze and scorching fire will make him forget all the worldly pleasures that he enjoyed before. At that point, his Lord, who knows best about his state, will ask him if he has ever witnessed or experienced any goodness or bliss, and he will reply in the negative. On the other hand, the one who led the most miserable life in this world, a life of poverty and need, from among the dwellers of Paradise, will be brought and immersed once in Paradise. The inexpressible joy and pleasure that he finds therein will make him forget all the bitterness, misery, poverty and hardship that he had experienced. His Lord, who knows best about his state, will then ask him if he has ever witnessed or experienced any misery or hardship and he will reply in the negative.