فضل الصيام
Abu Umāmah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Whoever fasts one day in the cause of Allah, Allah shall put between him and Hellfire a trench as wide as the distance between the heavens and the earth."
عن أبي أمامة -رضي الله عنه- مرفوعاً: «من صام يوماً في سبيل الله جعل الله بينه وبين النار خَنْدَقًا كما بين السماء والأرض».
شرح الحديث :
This Hadīth demonstrates the virtue of fasting a day solely for the sake of Allah. The reward for this is that Allah saves the fasting person from Hellfire and keeps him away from it at a distance equal to that between the heavens and the earth.