secularism (الْعَلْمَانِيَّةُ)
الثقافة والدعوة العقيدة
التعريف :
To establish the life of the individual and the community on a basis other than religion. In other words, to ensure a split between religion and all spheres of life. The Arabic term ꜤAlmāniyyah is an incorrect translation of the English ‘secularism’ or French ‘secularite’. Translated correctly, these two terms mean ‘non-religious’.
المعنى الاصطلاحي :
Establishing life on other than religion, whether on a national or individual level
الشرح المختصر :
"‘Ilmāniyyah" (Secularism): a movement and organization that aims to divert people from paying attention to the Hereafter and urges them to only pay attention to worldly life; in all its aspects political, economic, social, and intellectual. The movement emerged in Europe in the 17th century. The most important reason that led to the emergence of "‘Ilmāniyyah" in Europe was the tyrannical attitude of the churches, whether on the religious level where they distorted the true religion, made impermissible what Allah made permissible, and made permissible what Allah made impermissible, or on the financial level where they prevented people from acquiring wealth and imposed taxes on them, as mentioned in the distorted gospels. "‘Ilmāniyyah" is based upon three foundations: 1. Restricting people"s concern to this world only, while obstructing the position of religion in life so it just becomes a personal practice. As for the Hereafter, it is seen as a metaphysical matter, so it should be completely separated from affecting the materialistic world and its tangible laws. 2. Keeping knowledge, morals, and thought away from adhering to the teachings of the religion, whichever religion that might be. 3. Establishing a state with political institutions based on foundations other than religion. From the beliefs of "‘Ilmāniyyah": 1. Separating religion from politics and life. 2. Spreading licentiousness and moral chaos, destroying the foundations of the family, and advocating women’s liberation. 3. Claiming that Islam does not suit civilization and promotes backwardness. 4. Some of them denying the existence of Allah completely.
التعريف اللغوي المختصر :
"‘Ilmāniyyah": attributed to "‘ilm" (knowledge), which is cognition and perception, Opposite to: "jahl" (ignorance). It is said that it is "‘almāniyyah", attributed to "‘alma": a Syriac word, which means the world or the universe.