morality (الأَخْلَاقُ)
الثقافة والدعوة التربية والسلوك
التعريف :
A state of mind which enables action to be taken easily, without need for deliberation.
المعنى الاصطلاحي :
An established trait in humans from which praiseworthy or blameworthy words and deeds emanate.
الشرح المختصر :
"Akhlāq" (morals) refers to the prevailing characteristic and state of the soul that motivates one to do acts corresponding to these morals either good or evil deeds. If the characteristic is temporary or associated with affectation and hardship, then it will not be called a moral. For instance, someone who spends in charity once or twice is not called generous and open-handed. Also, the one who spends with hesitation and reluctance is not called generous. These traits may be part of the original mood, like the one who has a bad temper and gets angry for a slightest reason. They may also be acquired through practice until they become a constant moral of the person. Excluded from morals are basic instincts that exist equally in all people, and which entail neither praise nor dispraise, such as eating when hungry. This is an instinct not a moral. "Akhlāq" is of two types: 1. Blameworthy Morals: which are dispraised and evil according to human reason and religion, such as arrogance and envy. 2. Praiseworthy Morals: which are praised and excellent according to human reason and religion, like generosity and patience. These are called “mahāsin al-akhlāq” or the most beautiful morals. Having good morals means complying with Islamic ethics and following Islamic etiquette as instructed by the Qur’anic rulings and prophetic teachings.
التعريف اللغوي المختصر :
"Akhlāq" (sing. khuluq): nature, disposition, or inherent qualities either good or bad. Other meanings: religion, decency.