miracles (خَوَارِقُ الْعَادَات)

miracles (خَوَارِقُ الْعَادَات)


التعريف :

Events that are unlike what is familiar in this life.

المعنى الاصطلاحي :

Anything paranormal that is beyond the normal human capability and power.

الشرح المختصر :

"Khawāriq al-‘Ādāt" (supernatural phenomena) is anything paranormal that is beyond the normal human capability and power. It is classified according to the person to whom it occurs, as following: If the supernatural phenomenon is attributed to a prophet, it is called "āyah" (sign), "burhān" (proof), or "mu‘jizah" (miracle). If it is attributed to a "waliyy" (righteous believer), it is called "karāmah" (supernatural ability). If it is attributed to soothsayers and magicians, it is called "hāl shaytāny" (devilish act).