protection of chastity (حِفْظُ الفَرْجِ)
الثقافة والدعوة التربية والسلوك أصول الفقه
التعريف :
To refrain from indulging in sin.
المعنى الاصطلاحي :
To keep away from fornication and what is related to it or leads to it.
الشرح المختصر :
"Hifzh-ul-farj" (guarding the private parts) is a a good quality with which Allah has praised the believers. Allah counted this as one of the good qualities that indicate good faith and lead to success in the life to come. "Hifzh-ul-farj" is accomplished in two ways: 1. Avoiding violating people's honor and sanctity by keeping away from fornication, adultery, homosexuality, lesbianism, and masturbation. 2. Avoiding anything which leads to fornication, such as lustful looking at members of the opposite sex, speaking with them, and the like. "Hifzh-ul-farj" can only be obtained by observing certain preventive and defensive measures, such as: 1. Lowering one's gaze to avoid looking at the impermissible. 2. Commitment of women to the Islamic proper dress code that covers the entire body. 3. Avoiding free mixing of men and women. 4. Encouraging young men and women to get married. 5. Freeing mass and social media from indecency and inappropriate material. 6. Implementing the legal prescribed punishments for fornication and sodomy. The "farj", or private parts, refers to a man's or a woman's sexual organ as well as the anus. Benefits of guarding one's private parts: 1. Earning the pleasure of Allah, the Almighty, in this world and the next. 2. Protecting lineages, and purification of the self from foul, impermissible acts. 3. Preserving the heart from being attached to the forbidden. 4. Keeping the solidarity of the Muslim community and protecting it from destructive diseases such as AIDS. 5. Spreading peace and protecting the honor of individuals in the society.