debate (الْجَدَل)

debate (الْجَدَل)

العقيدة أصول الفقه الفقه الثقافة والدعوة

التعريف :

An exchange of speech between two or more people, each attempting to defend his view and show that the other party’s view is invalid.

المعنى الاصطلاحي :

When each one of the disputers provides their proof with the intention of invalidating the opinion of the other.

الشرح المختصر :

"Jadal" (debate/argumentation) is a conversation or dialogue between two persons who hold different views whereby each presents their proofs and pieces of evidence. Each party attempts to overcome the other and impose upon him to accept his own view. Debate in religion is of two types: First: Praiseworthy debate: it is that whose purpose is valid. Among the valid purposes are the following: 1. Establishing the truth and manifesting what is right, along with rebutting falsehood and eliminating doubt and illusion. 2. Defeating the opponent and preventing him from communicating his falsehood, as well as assorting the proofs and distinguishing what is valid and what is invalid among them. 3. Simplifying complex issues and making them understandable. 4. Making the believers steadfast, and increasing their faith and certainty in the truth. Second: Blameworthy debate: it is that whose purpose is invalid. Some of its examples: 1. Rejecting the truth and supporting falsehood and propagating it. 2. Seeking fame and prominence among the people, while despising others and underestimating their knowledge. There are many rules of etiquette related to debate or argumentation, like starting it by mentioning Allah's name, sitting in a polite manner, patience and forbearance with the opponent, giving up intense enmity, returning to the truth, as well as other standards of behavior.

التعريف اللغوي المختصر :

"Jadal": intense discord. "Jadal" and "mujaadalah" mean: to debate and engage in dispute. It is derived from "jadl", which means strength and solidity. It was also said that the root meaning of "jadal" is to strike someone down and make him fall on "jadaalah" (a firm ground). Other meanings: overcoming, precision, and mastering.