takbīr (التَّكْبِير)
علوم القرآن أصول الفقه
التعريف :
To say īin glorification of God, during prayer and at other times.
المعنى الاصطلاحي :
Glorifying Allah by words, deeds, and beliefs.
الشرح المختصر :
"Takbeer" (Glorification) is among the best acts of obedience and the greatest acts of worship. It means glorifying Allah the Almighty in a way that befits His grandeur and perfection, and believing that nothing is greater or more significant than Him. Anything beside His grandeur is small and insignificant. "Takbeer" is of three types: 1. With words: by saying "Allahu akbar" (Allah is the Greatest) and similar words of glorification. It is of two types: restricted "takbeer" like in prayer; and unrestricted "takbeer" like the one associated with "tasbeeh", "tahleel" and other words of "dhikr" (remembrance of Allah). 2. With bodily organs: by obeying Allah the Almighty and worshipping Him. 3. With belief: it includes: a. Glorifying Allah in His names and attributes: believing that all of them are of the utmost greatness and perfection, without altering, interpreting figuratively, analogizing, or likening. b. Glorifying Allah in His Shariah: believing that whatever Allah has legislated is of the utmost perfection, justice, and wisdom. c. Glorifying Allah in His predestination: believing that Allah’s predestination is the greatest and that He did not predetermine anything except with knowledge and wisdom. d. Glorifying Allah in worship: believing that Allah is the supreme deity, the only one worthy of worship. e. Glorifying Allah in His Lordship: believing that there is no creator, provider, owner of sovereignty, or planner greater than Allah. Fruits of "takbeer": 1. Fulfilling the requirements of all aspects of monotheism. 2. A cause for supplications being answered, especially in the rain-seeking prayer. 3. It is one of the great Shariah-approved “Adhkār". 4. It saves one from Hell. 5. It is following the Sunnah of Allah’s Messenger, may Allah"s peace and blessings be upon him. 6. It is a way of expressing surprise and amazement among the Muslims.
التعريف اللغوي المختصر :
"Takbeer": glorification, augmentation. It is derived from "kibar" which means greatness, abundance. "Kabeer": great, grand. Opposite: “tasgheer” (minimization). Other meanings: informing of the greatness of something, like in saying "Allahu Akbar" (Allah is the Greatest).