Keepers (خزَنة)

Keepers (خزَنة)


المعنى الاصطلاحي :

The angels who are entrusted with Paradise and Hell.

الشرح المختصر :

"Khazanah" (keepers) are those entrusted with something to keep. They are two types: 1. The "khazanah" of Hell: they are harsh and severe angels. Allah, the Almighty, informed us that they are the ones who serve drinks of scalding water and food of Zaqqūm to the residents of Hell. The chief Hell keeper is called Mālik; his name is derived from "mulk", which means strength and power. 2. The "khazanah" of Paradise: they are the angels entrusted with Paradise. The chief Paradise keeper is called Ridwān. They never disobey Allah, the Almighty, in what He commands them, and they do what they are commanded.

التعريف اللغوي المختصر :

"Khazanah" (sing. khāzin): Derived from "khazan", which means keeping, preserving, withholding, preventing.