Seeking alms (اسْتِعْطاءٌ)
الثقافة والدعوة أصول الفقه
المعنى الاصطلاحي :
Asking the Imam (Muslim ruler) for alms, whether it consists of money or anything else.
الشرح المختصر :
"Isti‘taa" (seeking alms) is asking for "‘ataa", which refers to what the Imam (Muslim ruler) assigns in Bayt-ul-Maal (Muslim Treasury) to the deserving poor. This also includes donations, endowments, gifts, charity, and anything else which is paid without compensation.
التعريف اللغوي المختصر :
"Isti‘taa": it is derived from "ista‘ta", which means seeking alms and asking for them. "‘Ataa": that which is given.