أحكام الصوم

Fasting in Islam

كتاب باللغة الإنجليزية، فيه بيان لأحكام الصيام، وشروطه، وواجباته وسننه ومستحباته، وبيان ما يفطر الصائم وما لا يفطره، مع ذكر فوائد مهمة مختصرة.
Fasting includes self-refinement and discipline. It pleases the Lord, provides nourishment for the soul and teaches patience, self-control and appreciation of provisions often taken for granted. But a believer’s objective must be to fulfill his obligation to his Lord, to show servitude to Him, and to obey His command. He fasts only for the acceptance of Allah and His promised reward. This booklet discusses the fast of Ramadhan, other obligatory fasts and the voluntary fasting prescribed in the Sunnah..