unveiling (الْمُكَاْشَفَة)

unveiling (الْمُكَاْشَفَة)


التعريف :

A type of preternatural events involving that a person hears, sees or learns something which no one else hears, sees or learns; either through revelation and inspiration, which occur only to a believer, or as a privilege granted by God. This is according to Sunni Muslims.

المعنى الاصطلاحي :

Knowledge of the unseen contents and realities, which are concealed, as they really exist or by witnessing them.

الشرح المختصر :

"Mukaashafah" is a sort of knowledge that Allah the Almighty puts in the heart of His slave, or knowledge that is cast in the soul after being cut from the barriers of lust and attending wholeheartedly to what is required. For the Sufis, it is the way of acquiring knowledge and a criterion over the revelation itself. They, even more, do not consider hearing (revelation) as a proof of any reportative knowledge. Rather, one comes to know the truth by divine light that is thrown in his heart, then he tests the texts from the Qur'an and Sunnah against it. In other words, Sufis approve the texts which are in agreement with what they see by the light of certainty; otherwise, they interpret them differently from their apparent meanings. Another sect went beyond this and claimed that they know - by means of divine disclosure or the intellect - the realities that the Prophet, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him, conveyed better than he himself knew them. According to the mainstream Sunnis, this term refers to something supernatural in which one hears, sees, or knows something that no one else can hear, see, or know. This takes place by the way of revelation or inspiration if the person is a believer. It could be a sort of wonders that Allah honors His slaves with. Realities may be unveiled for a person in dreams or when he is awake as a result of the soul’s weak attachment to the body, which could be achieved through self-discipline or the like. This is psychological disclosure, which is experienced by both the believer and the disbeliever. The sound disclosure is to know by heart the truth that Allah sent His messengers with and revealed in His books. Therefore, things that are ambiguous and unknown to others in the sciences of religion become clear to the individual, provided he acts upon his knowledge. This is a clearly fruitful kind of disclosure that Allah privileges His allies with.

التعريف اللغوي المختصر :

"Mukaashafah" is derived from "kashf", which means unveiling something and removing what covers and conceals it.