disobedience (الْمَعْصِيَة)
العقيدة أصول الفقه الفقه الثقافة والدعوة التربية والسلوك
التعريف :
The opposite of compulsory obedience and to do what is contrary to what Islam requires as duty.
المعنى الاصطلاحي :
Deliberately violating Allah's commandments, which incurs Allah's wrath and punishment.
الشرح المختصر :
Ma‘siyah (disobedience) is to act contrary to a Sharia ruling either by abandoning an obligation or committing a prohibition which Allah or His Messenger, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him, has prohibited. Acts of disobedience are numerous and uncountable, because doing anything that Allah has prohibited and abandoning anything that He commanded are considered acts of disobedience, like lying, backbiting, talebearing, theft, unlawful sexual intercourse, and others. Acts of disobedience are divided into three categories with respect to the one against whom they are committed: 1- Acts of disobedience involving injustice to people, like taking others' properties, withholding their rights, envy and the like. 2- Acts of disobedience involving injustice to oneself only, like drinking alcohol, committing unlawful sexual intercourse, in case the harm resulting from them does not extend to others. 3- Acts of disobedience combining the two previous cases, like a Mutawalli (person in charge of endowment money) who takes people's money and uses it in committing unlawful sexual intercourse and consuming alcohol. They can also be divided into four sections with respect to their kind: 1- Acts of disobedience relating to belief, like polytheism, hypocrisy and others. 2- Acts of disobedience relating to morals like unlawful sexual intercourse, consuming alcohol and others. 3- Acts of disobedience relating to acts of worship like abandoning or neglecting prayer, withholding Zakah and others. 4- Acts of disobedience relating to transactions and dealings, like interest-based contracts, bribery, perjury (giving a false testimony), theft and others. They are also divided into two sections with respect to their gravity: 1- Major sins, like unlawful sexual intercourse, murder without a rightful reason, and others. 2- Minor sins, like unlawful gaze, selling when the call to Friday Prayer is made, proposing to a women already betrothed to another man, and others.
التعريف اللغوي المختصر :
"Ma`siyah", "`syaan": violating and disobeying the commandments. Opposite: "taa`ah" (obedience).