al-Muṣḥaf al-Imām the reference copy of the Qur’an (الْمُصْحَفُ الْإِمَام)

al-Muṣḥaf al-Imām the reference copy of the Qur’an (الْمُصْحَفُ الْإِمَام)

علوم القرآن

التعريف :

The one copy of the Qur'an ꜤUthmān kept in Madinah out of five copies he had written. It is called al-Imam either in relation to ꜤUthmān, the third Caliph, or because Ḥudhayfah ibn al-Yamān suggested to ꜤUthmān to ‘write a Muṣḥaf Imam for people’. (Imam means ‘leader’ and in the context of the Qur'an it means a copy that will be the reference copy to check the accuracy of other copies).