God's will (الْمَشِيئَة)

God's will (الْمَشِيئَة)


التعريف :

God’s universal will, which means that whatever God wills is done and whatever he does not will is never done. This is one of God’s action attributes.

المعنى الاصطلاحي :

The universal and divine will of Allah the Almighty that encompasses all incidents and exiting beings.

الشرح المختصر :

"Mashee'ah" is One of the attributes of Allah, Blessed and Exalted. It is a comprehensive will that includes all creatures. Everything that happens in the universe falls under Allah's will and command. Impact of this will applies to the believer and the disbeliever; the righteous and the wrongdoer. Nothing in the heavens or the earth exists except by Allah's will. Anything that Allah does not will in His kingdom shall never occur, and it is His will that makes anything occur. So, whatever Allah wills shall definitely occur, and whatever He does not will shall never occur .

التعريف اللغوي المختصر :

"Mashee'ah": one's will to do something. Other meanings: bringing to existence.