Christianity (الـمَسِيْحِيَّةُ)
العقيدة الثقافة والدعوة
التعريف :
The religion of Christians. Originally, it is a religion revealed by God, the exalted, to his prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) and its revealed book is the Injīl, i.e. the Gospel. However, it was subjected to alterations and its text suffered distortion and, as a result, it now has many gospels. Its followers have moved from monotheism to polytheism. It was subsequently abrogated with the advent of Islam. It thus became invalid due to its distortion and abrogation. The name, Masīḥiyyah, i.e. Christianity, is not mentioned in the Qur'an or the sunnah, and according to the Gospel, Jesus did not call his followers ‘Christians’. Moreover, the name is not consistent with the present situation of Christians, because they have altered Jesus’ faith. To affiliate them to Jesus is grossly wrong because it implies that he approved such erroneous beliefs when he never did.