al-Mukhtariyyah (الْمُخْتَاْرِيَّة)

al-Mukhtariyyah (الْمُخْتَاْرِيَّة)


التعريف :

An extremist Shia sect who followed al-Mukhtār ibn Abī ꜤUbayd al-Thaqafī. al-Mukhtār claimed that ꜤAlī was an Imam and alleged that whoever obeys ꜤAlī obeys God, and whoever disobeyed ꜤAlī disobeys God. Succeeding Imams of ꜤAlī’s offspring fulfil the same role. He also claimed that Muhammad ibn al-Ḥanafiyyah was the Imam who succeeded his brother al-Ḥusayn, and that he was the Mahdī. al-Mukhtār claimed that he was Muhammad’s deputy, and that he received revelations.

المعنى الاصطلاحي :

Followers of Al-Mukhtār ibn Abi Ubayd ath-Thaqafi, the liar. He claimed that state leadership was due to Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiyyah and that it is possible that Allah's knowledge is subjected to ignorance.

الشرح المختصر :

"Al-Mukhtāriyyah" are the followers of Al-Mukhtār ibn Abi Ubayd ath-Thaqafee, who was a Kharijite, then a Zubayri, and then a Shiite from the Kaysān. He believed that Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiyyah was the rightful state leader after ‘Ali ibn Abi Tālib, or after Al-Hasan and Al-Hussayn, may Allah be pleased with them. He advocated revenging the death of Al-Hussayn ibn Ali. His beliefs: He believes that it is possible that Allah may rethink His decision in regards to His knowledge, His will, and His commandments. He believed it in order to justify his earlier shift between sects; besides, he claimed that revelation was sent to him. The term "rethink", here, has a number of meanings: 1. In regards to knowledge: it is that something appears to Allah that is different from what He knows. 2. In regards to Allah’s will: it is that the correct choice appears in a way that is different from what Allah willed or ruled. 3. In regards to Allah’s commandments: it is to give two conflicting commands, one following the other, which is called "abrogation". Some of the followers of "Al-Mukhtāriyyah" claimed that Muhammad ibn Al-Hanafiyyah was still alive and that he is the Mahdi. Others said that he died and that leadership moved to the next in line. It has been said that "Al-Mukhtāriyyah" are [the sect] of "Al-Kaysāniyyah" because Al-Mukhtār himself was the one nicknamed Kaysān, who was the servant of ‘Ali ibn Abi Tālib; or because Al-Mukhtār learned his belief from Kaysān, and hence they were named "Al-Kaysāniyyah". Some of the scholars have differentiated between them. They attributed "Al-Kaysāniyyah" to Kaysān, the servant of the Chief of the Believers, and he was the servant of a family from Jabeelah in Kufah. And it was said that they are several sects and that "Al-Mukhtāriyyah" is one of them.