madman (الْمَجْنُونُ)
الفقه أصول الفقه
التعريف :
A deranged person with fickle speech and action, either sometimes or all the time.
المعنى الاصطلاحي :
Anyone who completely or partially lacks mental faculties.
الشرح المختصر :
"Junūn" (insanity) is a condition that is out of a person's control. The "majnūn" (insane person) is someone who suffers mental disorder and lacks the ability to understand properly such that he cannot distinguish or realize things correctly, so his statements and actions become confused. There are two types of "majnūn": 1. Congenital "majnoon", which refers to the one who is born "majnūn" because of a certain brain deficiency that makes his brain not ready to function the way brains normally function. This type of "junūn" is permanent. 2. Temporary "majnūn", which refers to the one who becomes "majnūn" because of an accidental cause such as a sickness, demonic possession, or the like. This type of "junūn" is possibly cured by treatment. "Junūn" can also be divided into two types in terms of continuity or interruption: 1. Complete "majnūn": this is continuous and has no time limit. It was said that it is the kind of "junūn" that lasts for a month, a year, or all the time. 2. Incomplete "majnūn": when someone is "majnūn" at certain times and sane at other times.
التعريف اللغوي المختصر :
"Majnūn": mentally ill. It is derived from "junūn" and "jinnah", which mean mental illness. Original meaning: concealing, hiding, covering.