evasion disbelief (كُفْرُ الجُحُودِ)

evasion disbelief (كُفْرُ الجُحُودِ)


التعريف :

To acknowledge the truth mentally but refuse to admit it verbally.

المعنى الاصطلاحي :

When one denies, within his heart or by his tongue, one of the fundamentals or rulings of Islam or any such information that is an indisputable fact in Islam.

الشرح المختصر :

"Juhood" (denial disbelief) means concealment of the truth and failure to adhere to it outwardly, while knowing it inwardly. In other words, it is the negation of something established within the heart, and a person's verbal denial of something he knows with certainty that it is part of the religion of Allah, the Almighty. This applies to such things that are explicitly mentioned in the Book of Allah, or Sunnah reports that have been transmitted in a successive and continuous way that is well known and subject to absolute unanimity among the scholars. But, the denier is the one who is knowledgeable about the thing he denies. This type of disbelief contradicts faith from every aspect. Examples include the disbelief of Pharaoh and his people in Prophet Musa (Moses), peace be upon him, and the disbelief of the Jews in Prophet Muhammad, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him. They denied his prophethood and concealed his mission and description, which were reported in their scriptures. Another example of such disbelief is to deny any of the pillars of faith or fundamentals of Islam, to deny the Lordship or Divinity of Allah, the Almighty, or one of His names and attributes subject to absolute unanimity like the attribute of knowledge, to deny the existence of one of the angels about whom there is consensus, like Jibreel (Gabriel) or Mikaa’eel (Michael), peace be upon them, or one of the books of Allah, or the prophethood of one of the prophets about whom there is unanimous agreement, or to deny the resurrection of bodies and souls, or to deny the prayer, Zakah, or the like. Disbelief of "juhood" is of two types: 1. Absolute general disbelief: to deny what Allah, the Almighty, revealed to His Messenger, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him, altogether and the fact that He sent him as a messenger. 2. Restricted specific disbelief: to deny one of the obligations of Islam, the unlawfulness of one of its prohibitions, one of the attributes whereby Allah described Himself, or any information revealed by Allah, the Almighty, intentionally or in opposition to the opinion of someone for any purpose.

التعريف اللغوي المختصر :

"Juhood": denial. Opposite: "iqraar" (acknowledgement). Original meaning: littleness in everything. "Juhood" is called so because of the little good that comes from the denier.