generosity (الْكَرَمُ)
الثقافة والدعوة التربية والسلوك
التعريف :
Spending munificently and willingly, without looking for a return.
المعنى الاصطلاحي :
A trait that urges the person to give out good things wholeheartedly without expecting anything in return.
الشرح المختصر :
"Karam", or generosity, is one of the qualities of great souls who possess high resolve. It is a moral trait that urges one to spend from his good fortune without expecting a return. A person who spends his wealth expecting a return, be it some benefit or aversion of harm, is not considered "kareem" (generous). "Karam" can either be innate or acquired. It is not restricted to spending money only; rather, its scope is much broader. It includes spending of one's authority, time, life, and other valuable things that he owns. If a person is "kareem" with his money, this is called "jood" (openhandedness). If he is "kareem" by refraining from exacting punishment even though he is capable of it, then this is called "`afw" (pardoning). If he is "kareem" by sacrificing his life, this is called "shajaa`ah" (courage). "Karam" is divided into two categories: 1. "Karam" of the Creator: this "karam" is complete and befits the Majesty and Greatness of Allah. It is one of the attributes of Allah that are established in the Qur'an and the Sunnah. Allah Almighty also described the Qur'an as "Kareem" (Noble), because the speaker of the Qur'an (Allah) is "Kareem", and because the Qur'an is a generous book in giving out abundant goodness and blessings as it gives its reciter reward, knowledge and refined manners. From the names of Allah are "Al-Kareem" (The Generous) and "Al-Akram" (The Most Generous). 2."Karam" of the created being: it is generosity that suits the weakness of the created being and his poverty. Among the benefits of "karam" are the following: 1. It increases one's faith and makes him a better Muslim. 2. It is a sign of having good expectations of Allah Almighty. 3. A generous person is beloved to The Generous Creator and close to all creation. 4. A generous person has few enemies because of the good that he does for others. 4. Generosity increases blessing in sustenance and life span.
التعريف اللغوي المختصر :
"Karam": honor, sublimity and refined status. The derivative "kareem" is an adjective that means refined; hence, gems are called "ahjaar kareemah", meaning refined and precious stones. The original meaning of "karam" is generosity and abundance of goodness; opp. of "bukhl" (stinginess) and "lu'm" (depravity/baseness). Other meanings of "Karam": greatness, nobility, virtuousness, forgiveness.