the lesser ten variant recitations (القِرَاءَاتُ العَشْرُ الصُغْرَى)

the lesser ten variant recitations (القِرَاءَاتُ العَشْرُ الصُغْرَى)

علوم القرآن

التعريف :

The seven variant recitations of NāfīꜤ, Ibn Kathīr, Abu ꜤAmr, Ibn ꜤĀmir, ꜤĀṣim, Ḥamzah and al-Kisāʾī, as explained in Abu ꜤAmr al-Dānī’s book al-Taysīr and in al-Shāṭibiyyah by Abu al-Qāsim al-Shāṭibī. And added to these are the three other variant recitations of Abu JaꜤfar, YaꜤqūb and Khalaf, as explained in al-Durrah al-Muḍīʾah by Ibn al-Jazarī.