Qadianism (القَادْيَانِيَّة)
التعريف :
A destructive creed upheld by the followers of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian. It is a disbeliever creed but claims to be Muslim, so as to give itself a cover of divinity. They claim that its leader was a prophet. They distort the Qur'an, discard jihad, brand Muslims as unbelievers and befriend the enemies of Islam.
المعنى الاصطلاحي :
An esoteric sect which is ascribed to Mirza Ghulam Ahmad al-Hindi al-Qaadyaani (d. 1908).
الشرح المختصر :
Qadyaniyyah: a wicked, esoteric sect that has nothing to do with Islam. It emerged at the end of the 19th century in India on British plans, so as to alienate Muslims from Islam, especially from the duty of Jihad. Qadyaniyyah is thus known in India and Pakistan, whereas in Africa and other places they are known as Ahmadiyyah. Their beliefs: 1- Denying that prophethood is sealed, and misinterpreting proofs of its sealing. 2- Claiming that Ghulam Ahmad is the Mahdi, a prophet affirming the Shariah of Mohammad, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him, and he is the promised Messiah. 3- Revelation still comes down. Ghulam received it, and some of his followers heard it. 4- They call for prohibition of Jihad, and obeying the British rulers. 5- Qadyaan and its mosque are equivalent to Makkah and its mosque. Pilgrimage to Qadyaan, being the third sacred place, is like pilgrimage to Makkah. 6- Considering Muslims who do not believe in Ghulam as apostates. 7- Giving Ghulam and his followers precedence over the Prophets and their followers. 8- Drawing resemblance between Allah and humans. Exalted is Allah from such claims! 9- Believing in reincarnation, immanentism and other false beliefs.
التعريف اللغوي المختصر :
"Al-Qaadyaaniyyah": ascription to "Al-Qaadyaani". "Al-Qaadyaaniyyah" is a sect named after Mirza Ghulam Ahmad al-Hindi al-Qaadyaani.