determination (الْعَزْم)
العقيدة أصول الفقه الفقه
التعريف :
To put one’s decision into effect, without hesitation, after one has made sure that the decision is right. Originally, the term means making up one’s mind.
المعنى الاصطلاحي :
Firm decision to do or leave something.
الشرح المختصر :
"‘Azm" (determination): a degree of intent and will within the heart. It means firm resolve and decisiveness of the heart. It could also mean inclination to something and insistence on doing it. "Hamm" (decision): the first degree of willing to do something without actually doing it, while "‘azm" is its final degree. "‘Azm" is separable from "niyyah" (intention). It is also said that they have the same meaning. "Irādah" (will) is more general than "‘azm", for it does not involve insistence on doing the thing.
التعريف اللغوي المختصر :
"Azm": decisiveness, resolution, everything that one intends with his heart and is certain about. Original meaning: "qat‘" (cutting). Opposite: doubt, hesitation.