haste (الْعَجَلَة)
التربية والسلوك الثقافة والدعوة
التعريف :
To be impatient, unrestrained and hasty.
المعنى الاصطلاحي :
Hastiness and rashness in managing the affairs.
الشرح المختصر :
"‘Ajalah" (haste) is a quality that Allah and His Messenger, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him, dislike because of the harm that it brings to people in this life and in the Hereafter. It has multiple forms, including the following: doing something before its proper time; failure to perform acts of worship with tranquility, such as the prayer and recitation of the Qur’an; issuing judgment about others without certainty; and giving information about things before having sufficient knowledge about them. There are several harms associated with "‘ajalah". Some of these harms are: 1. It is a sign of foolishness, lack of patience, and weak-mindedness. 2. It causes a person to fall into many errors and mistakes. 3. It causes a person to regret his actions as a result of the outcomes of haste. 4. A hasty person is deprived of abundant good and huge reward.
التعريف اللغوي المختصر :
"‘Ajalah": haste and speed. Opposite: "ta'akhkhur" (to be delayed), "ta'jeel" (deferment), and "imhaal" (grace period). "‘Aajil" (immediate) is the opposite of "aajil" (deferred). It is derived from "i‘jaal", which means acceleration. It is used to denote doing something before its time or at the beginning of its time. Other meanings: precedence and advancement.