al-ꜤAjāridah (الْعَجَاْرِدَة)

al-ꜤAjāridah (الْعَجَاْرِدَة)


التعريف :

A branch of the Khawārij, the followers of ꜤAbd al-Karīm ibn ꜤAjrad. They are the only ones among the Khawārij who claim that unbelievers’ children will be in hell, and that unbelievers’ children must be called upon to embrace Islam when they attain puberty, but must be disassociated with before that. They do not consider any property a war gain until its owner is killed. They considered migration to join the prophet (i.e. Hijrah) a commendable act but not a duty. They consider a person who commits a major sin an unbeliever. They are the only group to consider it permissible to marry one’s granddaughter, or niece. In this, they are the same as Zoroastrians. The ꜤAjāridah split into several sub-groups, including al-Ṣaltiyyah, al-Ḥamziyyah, al-Khalafiyyah, al-ShuꜤaybiyyah, al-Maymūniyyah, etc.

المعنى الاصطلاحي :

A group of the Kharijites attributed to `Abdul-Kareem ibn `Ajrad.

الشرح المختصر :

The "`Ajaaridah" is a group of the Kharijites that emerged in Sistan and Khorasan (in Iran), where most of them are found. They are attributed to `Abdul- Kareem ibn al-`Ajrad, who was once from the followers of Abu Bayhas then he opposed him. The Kharijites are those who declare a sinner to be a disbeliever, and that it is correct to revolt against the ruler. Thoughts and beliefs of the "`Ajaaridah": 1. Considering the one who commits major sins a disbeliever; and believing that a child should be disavowed until he is invited to Islam, and that he must be invited to Islam when he reaches puberty. 2. Believing that the polytheists' children are in Hellfire with their parents. 3. Believing that nothing could be deemed booty until its owner is killed in battle. 4. Believing that "hijrah" (emigration) is a virtuous act and not an obligation. 5. Claiming that Surat Yusuf is not from the Qur'an because it contains passion, and it is not possible for things like this to be from the speech of Allah the Almighty. The "`Ajaaridah" were divided into fifteen sects, some of them are: 1. The "Maymooniyyah", followers of Maymoon ibn Khaalid who adopts the methodology of the Mu`tazilites regarding destiny. One of their religious innovations is permitting marriage to one's granddaughters. 2. The "Hamziyyah", followers of Hamzah ibn Adrak. One of their religious innovations is permitting the existence of two imams (spiritual leaders) in one era. There are also the "Tha`aalibah", the "Haazimiyyah", the "Shu`aybiyyah", the "Ibraahimiyyah", the "Waaqifah", the "Ma`loomiyyah", the "Rushaydiyyah", and other sects.

التعريف اللغوي المختصر :

“`Ajaaridah": a sect ascribed to `Ajrad. They were called so for following a man called `Abdul-Kareem ibn al-`Ajrad.