fickleness (الطَّيْش)
التربية والسلوك
التعريف :
Carelessness, hastiness and lack of care and consideration.
المعنى الاصطلاحي :
Impetuousness that causes the person to lose control over himself when something provokes him.
الشرح المختصر :
"Taysh" (imprudence) is an ugly characteristic and dispraised trait which contravenes perfection of reason. Reason prevents a person from committing foolish acts and deters him from saying or doing what is dispraised. "Taysh" is a sort of levity that leads the person to pursue frivolities and lose control over himself. "Taysh" manifests itself in people’s behavior in the following ways: turning right and left at every person who passes by and everything that moves; attempting to listen to every word that is spoken; speaking much and inquiring about issues that have no significance to one’s religion or worldly life; hastiness in asking and answering without deliberation; fidgeting; repeatedly fixing one’s turban, beard, and clothes without need; playing games that bring neither pleasure nor benefit, and so on.
التعريف اللغوي المختصر :
"Taysh": imprudence, recklessness, or lacking reason altogether. Opposite: "thiqal" (solemnity), "razaanah" (composure). Original meaning: lightness.