munificence (السَّمَاحَةُ)
الثقافة والدعوة التربية والسلوك
التعريف :
To be particularly generous and open-handed.
المعنى الاصطلاحي :
Dealing with others in a tolerant lenient manner, without severity or constraint.
الشرح المختصر :
"Samaahah" is one of the best deeds that bring one closer to Allah and one of the most sublime manners. It has many forms, such as leniency and gentleness in dealing with people, refraining from harshness, striving to fulfill the needs of others, showing mercy to the weak, pardoning the wrongdoer, meeting people with a cheerful face, offering good companionship, overlooking people's mistakes, avoiding extremism in all aspects, and others. Fruits of Samaahah: 1. It is a proof of complete faith and good practice of Islam. 2. It leads to attaining the love of Allah and His pleasure. 3. It is a proof of having strong certitude, patience, magnanimity, and compassion. 4. It leads to success and happiness 5. It is a way of emulating Prophet Muhammad, May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him. 6. It leads to developing other good manners, such as mercy. 7. Its presence is proof that a society is cooperative, charitable, and genial.
التعريف اللغوي المختصر :
"Samaahah": generosity and openhandedness. Originally, it means leniency and liberality of spirit. It also means magnanimity, tolerance, compliance, and evenness.