al-salafiyyah, Salafism (السَّلَفِيَّةُ)
العقيدة الثقافة والدعوة
التعريف :
A trend aiming to follow in the footsteps of the prophet’s companions and their successors from the best generations, without limiting them to any individuals or groups. They also include the followers of schools of fiqh, as long as they commit themselves to the practice of the early generations of implementing the Qur'an, the sunnah and the unanimity of the prophet’s companions. The name is chosen after al-salaf al-ṣāliḥ, which means the ‘goodly early generations’.
المعنى الاصطلاحي :
The methodology which is based upon following the Qur’an and the Sunnah as per the understanding of the best people of this community: the Prophet's venerable Companions, their respectable successors, and all those who rightly followed their way, guidance, and teachings until the Day of Resurrection.
الشرح المختصر :
"As-Salafiyyah" (Salafism/Islamic orthodoxy) is an ascription to the "salaf" (predecessors), who are the Prophet's Companions, their successors, and those who followed them from among the role model scholars who are well-known for their religious leadership, devotion, as well as their exterior and interior piety. This includes those scholars who enjoy such a high status in religious scholarship that their opinions are accepted and acted upon by people but excludes those who have committed innovations in the religion or have been branded with blameworthy titles among the sects that have deviated from the way of Ahl-us-Sunnah wa al-Jamā‘ah, such as the "Khawārij" (Kharijites), the "Rawāfid" (the Shia), the Qadariyyah, the Murji’ah, the Jabriyyah, the Jahmiyyah, the Mu‘tazilah (Mu‘tazilites), and all other deviant groups. One of the most prominent characteristics of "As-Salafiyyah" is its commitment to the textual approach. Therefore, they have been known from the beginning as "Ahl al-Hadith" (People of the Hadith) to distinguish them from the sects which have forsaken this methodology such as the Shiites, the Mu‘tazilites, the Kharijites, and others. They are also known as "Ahl al-Athar" (People of the Narrations/Reports). They follow, in their understanding of the texts, the understanding of the righteous predecessors, because they have the most precise understanding, the purest minds, the most genuine way of following the Sunnah and practising the religion, the deepest knowledge and understanding, the least affectation, and are the closest to the prophetic teachings.
التعريف اللغوي المختصر :
"Salafiyyah": is an ascription to the word "salaf" (predecessors). Derived from "aslafa", which means to precede and elapse. The "salaf" of a person are his forefathers and relatives who preceded him in age and virtue.