silliness (السَّفَاهَةُ)
الثقافة والدعوة أصول الفقه التربية والسلوك
التعريف :
Unwise behaviour. It may be one’s normal practice or an occasional one that happens in a state of pleasure or anger, causing one to behave in a way that is rather irrational or contrary to religious practice.
المعنى الاصطلاحي :
Lack of reason that causes a person to misbehave whether in matters pertaining to himself or in dealing with his Creator or with other people.
الشرح المختصر :
"Safaahah" (foolishness) is a characteristic of the weak-minded, and it is a type of ignorance and imprudence that causes a person to say bad words and do ugly deeds. It has two categories: 1. Foolishness in religious matters: such as a slave's attaching his hope, fear and love to other than Allah, giving free rein to the tongue to slander the honor of Muslims, defaming virtuous people to satisfy personal whims, getting angry frequently, being quick-tempered without reason, and other manifestations of foolishness. 2. Foolishness in worldly matters: such as inability to manage affairs, poor judgment and acting contrary to common sense. This also includes lack of money management skills and spending money wastefully, speaking too much about vain matters, praising despicable people for some worldly gain, etc.
التعريف اللغوي المختصر :
"Safaahah": foolishness. Original meaning: frivolity, recklessness, imprudence. Original meaning also said to be: crookedness and confusion; hence, a person who lacks reason is called a "safeeh" because of his confused mind. Opposite: "hilm" (forbearance) and "rushd" (rationality).