land of unbelief (دَارُ الْكُفْرِ)
الفقه الثقافة والدعوة العقيدة
التعريف :
Areas where non-Islamic law is implemented and power belongs to unbelievers. It is of two type: treaty land and land of war.
المعنى الاصطلاحي :
Countries that are governed by non-Islamic laws where the authority lies in the hands of non-Muslims.
الشرح المختصر :
"Dār al-kufr" (land of disbelief) is any place where non-Islamic laws are dominant. It is the region governed by disbelievers and their laws where the authority belongs to them, even if the majority of its inhabitants are Muslims. "Dār al-kufr" is also any country that does not implement the Islamic legal laws and does not apply the rules of Shariah on its subjects, and where a Muslim cannot observe his religious duties. "Dār al-kufr" is of two types: 1. Countries of the disbelievers who are at war with Muslims. 2. Countries of the disbelievers who are at peace with Muslims owing to a truce between them. If the laws applied therein are non-Islamic, then such countries will be counted as "dār kufr", even if they have a large population of Muslims living there.