good person (خَيِّر)

good person (خَيِّر)

الحديث العقيدة التربية والسلوك

التعريف :

»» khiyār

المعنى الاصطلاحي :

A comprehensive word that refers to all acts of righteousness and obedience, including the beliefs, deeds, and statements.

الشرح المختصر :

"Khayr" (goodness) is everything that brings someone closer to Allah, the Almighty, and leads him to Paradise. All acts of righteousness and obedience fall under "khayr". "Khayr" is also said to be anything desired by most people, like reason, justice, and virtue. It is everything that suits man's nature and wins him welfare, pleasure, or happiness. All this comes from the Almighty Creator. "Khayr" also includes the call to what is good and beneficial in religious and worldly terms. There are two types of "Khayr": 1. Absolute: That which is desired in any situation and by anyone. 2. Restricted: That which may be good for someone and bad for someone else, like wealth.

التعريف اللغوي المختصر :

"Khayr": goodness, better. Derived from "khāra", which means choose. Opposite: "sharr" (evil).