shyness (الْحَيَاءُ)

shyness (الْحَيَاءُ)

الفقه التربية والسلوك العقيدة

التعريف :

A characteristic that makes a person avoid unbecoming language and actions.

المعنى الاصطلاحي :

A change that occurs inside a person because of veneration and the like that prevents him from doing something or from abandoning it for fear of blame or dispraise.

الشرح المختصر :

"Hayaa’" (bashfulness/modesty) is a noble trait that encourages one to do what is good and avoid what is bad of words, deeds, and behaviors. It prevents one from neglecting the fulfillment of the rights of others. It is of two types: 1. Natural or inherent: that which Allah Almighty created in all people, such as bashfulness of exposing one’s private parts or having sexual intercourse in public and the like. 2. Faith-based or acquired: that which prevents the believer from committing sins or abandoning acts of obedience out of fear of Allah, the Almighty. Scholars divide bashfulness into three categories: Bashfulness of Allah, of oneself, and of others. 1. Bashfulness of Allah Almighty is by observing Allah’s commandments and staying away from His prohibitions. 2. Bashfulness of others, such as all other people and the angels, is by refraining from harming others and from committing evil deeds overtly. 3. Bashfulness of oneself is by preserving one’s chastity, having strong resolve (to do good), and preventing oneself from sinning in private. If "hayaa’" stems from respect or glorification without abandoning a Shariah command, then it is good and praiseworthy. If it is accompanied by abandoning a permissible religious matter, such as abandoning the pursuit of knowledge or abandoning the forbiddance of evil, then it is ugly and blameworthy shyness, even if some call it "hayaa’", because "hayaa’" is always positive and good.

التعريف اللغوي المختصر :

"Hayaa": modesty, bashfulness. "Hayiyy": modest, bashful. Opposite: "waqaahah" (insolence), jur’ah (audacity). Derived from "hayaah", which means life.