disagreement (الاخْتِلاَف)

disagreement (الاخْتِلاَف)

علوم القرآن الفقه أصول الفقه

التعريف :

Unreconciled difference, with each one taking a different way on the basis of some evidence that he deems valid.

المعنى الاصطلاحي :

Each party adopting an approach different from the other party in terms of words, actions, or beliefs.

الشرح المختصر :

"Ikhtilāf" (disagreement) is disparity between two parties in opinions, judgments, looks, etc. Examples of "ikhtilāf" include: "ikhtilāf" among scholars over a specific ruling, "ikhtilāf" of people in the rows while praying (i.e. not staying in a straight line), "ikhtilāf" between the abode of disbelief and that of Islam, and "ikhtilāf" regarding the times of seeing the new moon in different countries. A close examination of the Shariah texts reveals that "ikhtilāf" is of two types: 1. Acceptable "ikhtilāf": This is "ikhtilāf" over non-fundamental issues of the Shariah. Reasons for this "ikhtilāf" can be the ambiguous and generalized nature of texts, differences in ways of reciting the Qur’an, differences in narrations of a Hadith, forgetting or not knowing a Hadith, and so on. 2. Blameworthy "ikhtilāf": It is also called "ikhtilāf" of contradiction, and it is of several types. Examples include: "ikhtilāf" in beliefs; "ikhtilāf" among deviant sects; "ikhtilāf" in wars; and "ikhtilāf" arising from desires, arrogance, or fanaticism. This type of "ikhtilāf" leads to disputes and conflicts.

التعريف اللغوي المختصر :

"Ikhtilāf": dispute, disagreement, contradiction, reversal. Opposite: "ittifāq" (agreement). It is derived from "khilāfah", which means succession and replacement of something by another. Other meanings: variation, change, dispersion.