harbouring a grudge (الْحِقْد)
التربية والسلوك أصول الفقه
التعريف :
To hate, abhor and feel enmity towards someone.
المعنى الاصطلاحي :
To harbor evil intentions towards others with the urge to seek revenge.
الشرح المختصر :
"Hiqd" (grudge/malice) is a repugnant and obnoxious trait and an evil feeling towards a person or a group of people which leads a person to harbor ill intentions and malice in his heart towards them. This causes the person to desire to take revenge or vent his anger against them. If he is unable to do that immediately, then he conceals it in his heart until he finds the opportunity to take revenge. "Hiqd" is a major cause of envy and resentment among people.
التعريف اللغوي المختصر :
"Hiqd": holding a grudge in your heart. Original meaning: holding and retention. Other meanings: ill-thought, dislike, hatred.