to be in poser (التَّوَلِّي)
التعريف :
To assume authority and take up the ruler’s position.
المعنى الاصطلاحي :
Loving polytheism and the polytheists; supporting the disbelievers financially, physically, and with counsel; lending them support against Muslims, praising and defending them.
الشرح المختصر :
"Tawalli" (taking as allies) is giving one's ally full love and support; supporting him financially, physically, and with counsel. In doing so to the disbelievers, the Muslim commits an act of disbelief that gets him out of the fold of Islam. Manifestations of loyalty to the disbelievers, polytheists, and hypocrites: 1. Being satisfied with the disbelief of the disbelievers; not describing them as disbelievers; doubting that they are disbelievers; deeming authentic any ideological trend they uphold. 2. Being loyal to them in general; taking them as helpers, supporters, and allies; embracing their religion. 3. Believing in some of their disbelief; seeking their judgment instead of the Book of Allah. 4. Showing them special love and amiability. 5. Taking them as intimates instead of the believers. These things contradict Islam and underlie apostasy. May Allah save us.
التعريف اللغوي المختصر :
"Tawalli": taking someone as an ally by loving him and getting him closer to oneself. Other meanings: turning away, rejecting, taking, full compliance, support.