moderation (التَّوَسُط)

moderation (التَّوَسُط)

علوم القرآن التربية والسلوك العقيدة

التعريف :

To steer a middle course, neither leaning to strictness, nor to a lax attitude in rulings.

المعنى الاصطلاحي :

Observing the Shariah commands without excess or negligence.

الشرح المختصر :

"Tawassut" (Moderation): Islam is a religion of moderation and balance, without exaggeration or negligence. The Muslim is required to perform what is legislated for him regarding the affairs of this life and the Hereafter without going to extremes or being negligent. This is because adding to what is required from him is considered exaggeration and extremism, and missing something is considered negligence. Both extremism and negligence are considered deviation from the correct and straight path. "Tawassut" covers statements, actions, and beliefs. Ahl-us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa`ah are moderate between the misguided sects that are attributed to Islam. In all topics of creed, they always adopt a moderate stance between two sects with conflicting opinions - one of them is extreme while the other is negligent. Benefits of "tawassut" in all affairs: 1. Safety from excess and negligence. 2. Security from poverty and need. 3. Attaining blessing and growth. 4. A sign of perfect intellect and complete guidance. 5. A guarantee for success until one dies. 6. A guarantee to continue upon goodness. 7. It is a distinct characteristic of the Muslim Ummah. 8. It implies imitation of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him, and His noble Companions. 9. Safety from boredom. 10. Keeping away from the Devil's path. 11. It represents moderation that brings about all goodness. 12. It is the axis of virtues in many affairs. Courage, for example, lies in between cowardice and carelessness.

التعريف اللغوي المختصر :

"Tawassut": uprightness, straightness. Original meaning: moderation. "Wasat": fair, moderate, a point between two ends. "Awsat": the best of something. "Waseet": kind, good. Other meanings: choosing the best of things, standing in the middle of something.