modesty (التَّوَاضُع)

modesty (التَّوَاضُع)

التربية والسلوك العقيدة

التعريف :

To show humility and absence of conceit.

المعنى الاصطلاحي :

Full obedience and submission to Allah out of love and glorification to Him and complete modesty with people out of mercy and kindness to them.

الشرح المختصر :

"Tawādu‘" (modesty/humility) is a praiseworthy quality that reflects purity of the self. It prompts affection and brotherhood among people and repels envy and hatred from their hearts. "Tawādu‘" has several forms: some are related to the physical way a person manifests himself, as in walking and wearing cloth; others are related to the way a person manifests himself verbally, as in avoiding taking pride in one's ancestors and claiming knowledge. "Tawādu‘" is of two types: 1. "Tawādu‘" towards Allah, by obeying Him out of glorification and love to Him; and by submitting to His religion and following the truth delivered by His Messenger, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him. 2. "Tawādu‘" towards people, so that a person considers himself lower than others in good characteristics.

التعريف اللغوي المختصر :

"Tawādu‘": humility and manifestation of submissiveness (i.e. low estimate and weakness). Opposite: "istikbār" (arrogance), "‘uluww" (haughtiness). Derived from "wad‘", which means putting down and lowering. Other meanings: humbleness, easiness, gentleness.