disciplining (التَّأْدِيب)
أصول الفقه التربية والسلوك
التعريف :
To penalise a person for wrongdoing, whether by a judge, husband, parent or teacher.
المعنى الاصطلاحي :
Light punishing or disciplining for wrong-doing by those in charge, other than the judge, for the sake of rectification.
الشرح المختصر :
"Ta’deeb" (disciplining) refers to the process of character development, refinement, and instruction involving disciplinary actions and punishment if necessary to correct the deviation and misconduct, realize righteousness, and inculcate (rules of refined conduct and manners and) integrity within the disciplined individual. It varies according to the scope of the deviation, the surrounding circumstances, the disciplined individual, and his state. It is defined as mild disciplinary punishments imposed by the ruler and not the judge. This excludes "ta‘zeer" (discretionary punishment), which incorporates the mild and severe discretionary punishments imposed by the judge or whoever holds public positions of authority. "Ta’deeb", on the other hand, does not require the verdict of the Muslim judge. Some scholars have limited the definition of "ta’deeb" to one aspect of discipline only, namely beating, threats, and reprimand.
التعريف اللغوي المختصر :
"Ta’deeb": Derived from "adab", which means teaching self-discipline and good manners. Original meaning: supplication.