altruism (الْإِيثَارُ)
الثقافة والدعوة التربية والسلوك
التعريف :
That a person puts others ahead of oneself in what brings benefit and prevents harm. It is the ultimate form of true brotherhood.
المعنى الاصطلاحي :
To give preference to someone over oneself in something even though one is in need of it.
الشرح المختصر :
"ieethaar": is one of the greatest acts of worship and highest noble manners in which a person gives preference to someone over oneself with regard to receiving benefit or warding off harm despite one's need of it. Altruism takes two forms: 1.Altruism towards humans: in which preference is given to others with regard to the worldly benefits. This does not apply to the religious matters or acts of worship. 2. Altruism towards the Creator: in which one gives preference to Allah’s pleasure over the pleasure of others; to Allah’s love over the love of others; to the fear of Allah over the fear of others; to hope in Allah over hope in others; and to obeying Allah over obeying others. "ieethaar"has three levels: 1.To give preference to people over yourself in a matter that does not negatively affect your religion, such as feeding and clothing them while you remain hungry and unclothed. 2.To give preference to pleasing Allah over pleasing others, even if this angers them. This is the level achieved by Prophets and pious people. 3.To attribute your altruism to Allah and not to yourself, and to believe that only Allah is unique in this trait since He is the Owner of all bounties and favors. Benefits of "ieethaar" include the following: 1. It is a sign of one's perfect faith and good Islam. 2. It is a gateway to gaining love and pleasure of Allah . 3.It is a sign of one's firm certainty, patience, generosity, and softness of the heart. 4. It is a sign of one's great trust in Allah, thinking good of Him, and high resolution. 5. It brings about blessing and multiplies goodness. 6.It leads to success and attainment of perfect faith, because it rids a person of stinginess 7.The one possessing this characteristic is following the Messenger Muhammad, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him. 8. It urges one to adopt other noble manners and good traits, such as mercy and the like. 9.Prevalence of this trait shows that society enjoys a good sense of cooperation, solidarity, and affection.
التعريف اللغوي المختصر :
"ieethaar": giving preference to someone else. It is derived from an Arabic root which means giving precedence to something and singling it out. Opposite of "isti'thaar": which means selfishness