answer (الإجابة)

answer (الإجابة)

العقيدة التربية والسلوك أصول الفقه

التعريف :

Responding to supplication by acceptance and granting requests. This is a divine attribute of action confirmed in the Qur'an and the sunnah, in the way that is suited to God, the glorious.

المعنى الاصطلاحي :

Answering the supplications and responding to the requests of fulfilling the needs, including bringing about benefit and warding off harm through acceptance and bestowal.

الشرح المختصر :

"Ijābah" (response) is one of Allah’s attributes related to His actions, and it is established in the Qur’an and Sunnah. "Al-Mujeeb" (the Responsive) is one of Allah’s most beautiful names, for Allah is the One Who answers the supplications of those who call upon Him in any place at any time. He is not preoccupied with one thing over the other, nor confused by the numerous requests, nor unable to distinguish a certain sound from another. He removes grief, eliminates worry, and relieves distress. He grants whoever asks Him whatever they want, and no one is able to do so except for Him. Allah’s "ijābah" is of two types: 1. A general "ijābah" for everyone who calls upon Him and supplicates to Him from among His slaves, whether it is a supplication of worship or a supplication of need. He is the One Who answers the supplications of those who supplicate to Him in general, as He promised them to do so, no matter what their situation is, in according to what His wisdom necessitates. This is proof of Allah’s expansive generosity and mercy and benevolence to the righteous as well as to the wicked. Answering supplications is not a proof per se of the good condition of the supplicant if it is not coupled with something that proves this and further proves his honesty and truthfulness and that he is definitely on the right side, just as the situation of the Prophets and their supplication for their nations and against them, and Allah answers their supplications. 2. A specific "ijābah" to those who are obedient to Him and are submissive to His law. He also responds to the supplication of those who are experiencing hardship and distress and those who have lost hope in the creation, and their hope, fear, and certainty of Allah is strong. Allah, the Almighty, answers the supplications and fulfills the needs and requests because all goodness lies within His Hands. So whoever has any need, such as curing a sickness, making something difficult easy, removing poverty, returning something that is lost, or the like, then let that person ask Allah and entrust the affair to Allah, and not to the creation.

التعريف اللغوي المختصر :

"Ijābah": derived from "ajāba", which means acceptance of invitation, calling. The original meaning indicates that speech is being exchanged between two parties.