spreading the greeting of peace (إِفْشَاءُ السَّلَام)
التربية والسلوك
التعريف :
To use it frequently, start the greeting and responding to others who start it.
المعنى الاصطلاحي :
Spreading the greeting of Salam and extending it to every Muslim orally or in a written form.
الشرح المختصر :
Spreading Salam is the believers' greeting and slogan. It is propagation of Salam among all Muslims, those whom you know or you do not know, regardless of their age. This includes initiating Salam or responding to it. Etiquette of spreading Salam: 1. Salam should be given in an audible way 2.The rider should give Salam to the walker; the walker to the seated; the young to the old; and the individual to the group. 3. Salam should be given at the beginning of the session and while departing 4. One should have a pleasant and smiling face while shaking hands. 5. One should adhere to the wordings that have been mentioned in the Sunnah. If the greeting is given to living people, then one should say: "Assalamu `alaykum", or "Assalamu `alaykum wa rahmatullah", or "Assalamu `alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu" (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you). As for greeting the dead, one should say: "Assalamu `ala Ahl-id-Diyar min al-Mu’minin" (Peace be upon the dwellers of the graves from amongst the believers). If Salam is given to a non-Muslim that one hopes he will accept Islam, then one should say: "Assalamu `ala man-it-taba`al huda" (Peace be upon the one who follows guidance). The word Salam has been given preference over other words for two reasons: First: It signifies praying for one's safety from defects in religion and body. Second: When Salam is exchanged among Muslims, it serves as a mutual commitment to preserving their life, honor, and properties. Benefits of spreading Salam: 1.It fosters humbleness, repels arrogance from oneself, and ensures honoring Muslims' inviolability. 2. ‘Giving Salam is the first cause of close friendship and a key to bring about love. 3. It helps end enmity, desertion, feud, and severed relations among Muslims. 4. It plays a role in reforming the heart and ensuring inner peace. 5. It brings about great reward from Allah and increase in one's faith.