Minor hypocrisy (نفاق أصغر)
المعنى الاصطلاحي :
Nonconformity between what one reveals and what he conceals when it comes to duties by revealing obedience and concealing disobedience.
الشرح المختصر :
"Nifāq asghar" (minor hypocrisy) means being negligent in maintaining religious boundaries in secrecy and maintaining them in public. This occurs when one pretends to be righteous but is not so in reality, for he commits deeds that contradict the requirements of faith, but the origin of faith remains in the heart. Such deeds include lying, breaking the promise, betraying the trust, treachery, and transgressing limits of morality and decency when quarrelling. The difference between "nifāq akbar" (major hypocrisy) and "nifāq asghar": 1. "Nifāq akbar" leads to apostasy, unlike "nifāq asghar". 2. "Nifāq akbar" means nonconformity between what one reveals and what one conceals with regard to belief. "Nifāq asghar", on the other hand, means nonconformity between what one reveals and what he conceals with regard to actions, not belief. 3. "Nifāq akbar" is not committed by a believer, whereas "nifāq asghar" could be committed by a believer. 4- Most probably, the one who commits "nifāq akbar" does not repent, and if he repents, scholars hold different opinions regarding whether his repentance should be accepted by the ruler or not, which is not the case with "nifāq asghar".