Utterances (مَلْفُوظٌ)
المعنى الاصطلاحي :
What a person or the one in his/her position utters whether it is used or not used by the Arabs.
الشرح المختصر :
In the issue of "lafzh", scholars forbid that someone should say that the "lafzh" (utterance) refers to "malfūzh" (the thing uttered), or that "lafzh" is something other than "malfūzh". This also applies to reading and recitation of the Qur’an, given the false connotations resulting from such general statement. That is because when one says "my speaking with the Qur’an is created" such general statement entails that the action of the speaker, his tongue, and voice is created, and that is true. But it also entails that the spoken words, which is Allah's speech that is composed of uttered, heard and comprehensible letters, is created as well, and that is untrue. On the other hand, when one says: "my speaking of the Qur’an is not created," this general statement could mean that the action of the speaker is not created, which is untrue. In fact, all the actions of the slaves are created by Allah Almighty. The spoken words, which is Allah's speech is included in the meaning too, and that is true because, definitely, Allah's speech is not created, with its letters and meanings. Therefore, the correct approach here is to avoid generalization, and address the issue in detail. That is, if the person means by "lafzh" the thing that is uttered "malfūzh" which is Allah's speech, then it is not created, but if he means the action of the tongue, larynx and man's voice, then they are all created. In sum, the voice is the voice of the reciter, but the speech is that of the Creator. Definitely, speech is ascribed to the one who initiates it, not the one who says it by way of conveyance or narration.
التعريف اللغوي المختصر :
"Malfoozh": what is readable and recited. It is derived from a root, which means to throw and toss something.