Al-Kiyumarthiyyah (a Magian sect) (كيومرثية)
المعنى الاصطلاحي :
A Magian religion that is ascribed to Keyumars.
الشرح المختصر :
"Al-Kiyumarthiyyah" is one of the sects belonging to the Magian religion. They are followers of a man called Keyumars, which means in Persian “the living and speaking one”. Some of their beliefs: 1. Origination of human beings from their sovereign Keyumars after he was killed, as a man named Mashya and a woman named Mashyana sprung forth from Keyumars, and they are the parents of all humans. 2. Affirmation of two origins: Yazdaan who represented light, and Ahriman who represented darkness. They said that Yazdaan is eternal and has no beginning, while Ahriman is a creature created by Yazdaan. 3. Establishment of the Day of Judgement will occur by Yazdaan's soldiers' fight with Ahriman's soldiers, and the destruction of the latter's soldiers. Zoroastrianism (Magian religion) is an idolatrous worship with the belief in the existence of two gods: light which is eternal, and darkness which is created.
التعريف اللغوي المختصر :
"Al-Kiyumarthiyyah": a sect ascribed to Keyumars. They were called so because they followed a man named Keyumars.