"Al-Kayyaaliyyah" (a Shiite sect) (كيالية)

"Al-Kayyaaliyyah" (a Shiite sect) (كيالية)


المعنى الاصطلاحي :

It is a group of extremist Imami Shiites named after Ahmad al-Kayyal.

الشرح المختصر :

Kayyaliyyah is a group of extremist Rāfiḍa Shiites. They follow Aḥmad al-Kayyal, a misguided atheist, who composed heretical works. When his heresy was exposed, people cursed and deserted him. Faced with that, Kayyal began to call for himself and claimed to be an Imām. He was later killed. Ideological practices of Kayyaliyya: 1. They interpret texts and rulings of the religion in corrupt ways. For example, they explain the scales to mean the worlds, and the path to mean ʿAlī himself, etc. 2. They divide the worlds into three: The highest world, the lowest world, and the human world. They explain each world to refer to a certain location, following unorthodox beliefs. 3. They say that Allāh created human being in the form of “Ahmad.” So his height stands for A (alif), hands for H (haa'), stomach for M (meem), and feet for D (daal). 4. They state that God’s messengers and those following them are all blind. However, al-Qaʿim Ahmad al-Kayyal is the leader of those who have insight.

التعريف اللغوي المختصر :

"Al-Kayyaaliyyah" is a sect named after Ahmad al-Kayyaal, its founder.