Extremism/Exaggeration (غُلُـوٌّ)

Extremism/Exaggeration (غُلُـوٌّ)


المعنى الاصطلاحي :

Exceeding the Shariah-permitted limit in beliefs or actions.

الشرح المختصر :

"Ghuluw", or extremism, is a dangerous problem in society. It means exceeding the limits that Allah the Almighty has permitted in the Qur'an and the Sunnah of His Messenger, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him, and going beyond them to that which He has forbidden. Extremism is divided into two categories: 1. Extremism in beliefs, like the extremism in considering others disbelievers and the extremism regarding the righteous people and prophets by seeking relief from them and supplicating them. 2. Extremism in actions, which is exceeding the limits in acts of worship like the one who fasts all days and the one who does not get married. Extremism is also categorized into the type that takes one outside the fold of Islam, such as extremism in worshiping idols and the righteous or claiming that anyone has knowledge of the unseen, and the type that does not take one outside the fold of Islam, such as extremism in some obligatory duties like prayer and Hajj. Some of the causes of extremism are: ignorance of religion, turning away from scholars, bigotry, heretic innovations, etc. The truth is the moderate path between extremism and negligence.

التعريف اللغوي المختصر :

"Ghuluw": exceeding the limit. Original meaning: elevation. Other meanings: prolongation, acceleration, increase, transgression.