"Al-`Adhaafirah" (an incarnationist sect) (عذافرة)

"Al-`Adhaafirah" (an incarnationist sect) (عذافرة)


المعنى الاصطلاحي :

An incarnationist sect which follows Ibn Abi al-`Adhaafir Muhammad ibn `Ali ash-Shalmaghaani, who believe that Allah inheres in their Imam.

الشرح المختصر :

"Al-`Adhaafirah" (an incarnationist sect) is a branch of incarnationists who believe that Allah inheres in humans. They borrowed that belief from the Christians, who claim that Allah inhered in Jesus, peace be upon him. They aimed to corrupt the monotheistic belief preached by Allah's Messengers. They followed Abu al-`Adhaafir Muhammad ibn `Ali ash-Shalmaghaani, who appeared in 322 AH during the reign of Ar-Raadi bi-llah ibn al-Muqtadir, who killed him. Their beliefs: 1. The spirit of Allah inhered in their Imam, who thus called himself the Holy Spirit. 2. Permitting sodomy and fornication. Abu al-`Adhaafir wrote "The Sixth Sense" (Al-Haassah as-Saadisah), a book in which he permitted sodomy for his followers.

التعريف اللغوي المختصر :

"Al-`Adhaafirah": a sect which follows Ibn Abi al-`Adhaafir Muhammad ibn `Ali ash-Shalmaghaani. They were named after their leader Ibn Abi Al-`Adhaafir