fundamentals of Qur’anic commentary (أُصُولُ التَّفْسِير)
علوم القرآن
التعريف :
The proper rules and principles on which Qur'anic interpretation is based and which sort out differences in such interpretation.
المعنى الاصطلاحي :
A set of correct rules and methods that are needed to figure out the meanings of the noble Qur’an.
الشرح المختصر :
"Usool-ut-tafseer" (principles of exegesis) consists of the bases and foundations that the exegete needs to deduct Qur’anic meanings, legal rulings, and the interests intended by the Qur’an in a correct and precise way. This is in addition to knowing the methods that the early exegetes, like the Companions and others, used. The main topics of "usool-ut-tafseer" are three collective matters: 1. Sources and methods of exegesis. 2. Consensus, types, and causes of divergence. 3. How to deal with the differences among exegetes and reconcile them.